Happy Friday folks. This review is a couple days old now but nothing beats starting the weekend with a beer review. As always the suggestion box is open with Kold Hart and it just so happens that this review was suggested by young BZ. Here it is.
American Haze by New Belgium
ABV: 5.0%
IBU: 30 (still don't know what that means)
Calories: 150 (estimated)
Score: 7.7
Additional Info: American Haze, a 5% ABV IPA built to enjoy anytime and anywhere. American Haze is brewed with all-American hops, boasts supreme drinkability.
Fun Fact: The beer's full name is Voodoo ranger, which is really badass. Outside of this beer Voodoo is commonly affiliated with Haitian Vodou, a syncretic religion practiced chiefly in Haiti. LouisianaVoodooor New OrleansVoodoo, a set of African-based spiritual folkways.