Today is a very weird day. Not because we're in the midst of a global pandemic and nor because our nation is unable to show empathy towards one another. It is a weird day because 19 years ago we were dealt a crippling blow. I'm not breaking any news or going to make light of the situation. The attacks that took place in New York City, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC, were an act of terror and shouldn't be down played.
Every year when 9/11 rolls around we see tributes in varying ways or hear new stories of heroism. I think that doing this helps the generations who lived through this heal and the younger generations like my own understand the day.
While I do take time to read and watch the new tributes/stories that are shared to my timelines, like the story about the Falling Man, but read that once you're done with my blog. The Falling man is a great example of new stories that I think everyone should make time for. However, I always make sure that I watch the same two videos to get the patriotism juices going. If I can enjoy these and see the value from these, you can too.
The first of my yearly videos, is the story of Welles Crowther who is better know as the Man In the Red Bandanna. If you have never seen this video, I implore you to watch this. Every single year, the same quotes and moments make me tear up. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” Of course, I'd like to think that I would do the same heroic acts as Welles, but in reality I would have been one of the people begging for a hero like him. He gave his own life just so that a dozen strangers could keep theirs. Unreal. It's guys like Welles Crowther that make you proud to be an American. Maybe we all should strive to be a little more like the Man in the Red Bandanna.
To finish up my yearly 9/11 tribute, I always watch President George W. Bush's first pitch at Game 3 of the 2001 World Series. I could go on and on about this first pitch but I'll spare us all the time. Just know that we won't see a better first pitch EVER. The presidential staff didn't even want Bush to throw out the first pitch because of security concerns. Despite all of that and even wearing a bullet proof vest under his jacket, President Bush toed the rubber and threw an absolute dart to the plate. His pitch looked better than most Tigers relievers this season (that's the only joke I'll make).
Bush showed the resolve of all the American people and that we could get back up and carry on with life. He gave the middle finger to Osama Bin Laden and every other terrorist in the world. If Bush standing on the mound or the 'USA' chant at the end doesn't give you chills, I don't know what will. ESPN made a pretty great 30 for 30 short film that dives deeper into this story that is worth the watch. Stuff like this is awesome because regardless of political affiliation, religious background or race, it is in moments like these that we are one united nation. At the end of the day, we are back-to-back world war champs who drive Chevys, eat way too many hot dogs and have never lost a Super Bowl. No act of terror or person can take that from us. God bless America.
Never Forget.