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Hot Take: New GVSU Football Coach Says He'd Like To Have Dinner With Hitler

Writer's picture: Matt Fire Matt Fire

In the year 2020, our world is kind of in shambles and there's not a lot of things that we can really agree on. However one thing that we all can generally agree on is that Adolf Hitler was among the scum of the earth and in general principle, communism is bad. Wether you're a democrat or republican, male or female, cat or dog....we're all in agreement with this. But now entering the chat is Grand Valley State University's newest offensive coordinator Morris Berger.

7 days ago (January 20th) the GVSU Lakers announced the hiring of Morris Berger. Now I know nothing specific about Berger, I hardly know much about GVSU football. I am a proud GVSU student, mainly because I pay a decent amount of money to attend school here. So I really just casually follow sports and celebrate my schools accomplishments when they happen. This hire seemed to be decent at the time mainly because from what I understand, the Laker offense had become stagnant and in need of a shake up.

Berger has worked with D1 schools like Missouri, Oklahoma State and Texas State and brings some level of a football pedigree. When new coaches get hired, they typically make media rounds, radio, local TV, newspapers, and yes, even school newspapers. Morris Berger sat down with the student newspaper, 'The Lanthorn' so Laker fans could get to know their new OC. Student reporter Kellen Voss came through with some Big J journalism.

KV: So you graduated from Drury with a degree in History, you’re a history guy. If you could have dinner with three historical figures, living or dead, who would they be? And I’m ruling out football figures.

I would classify this question as a good question but also a pretty easy one to answer. Literally all you have to do is say three historical figures that aren't bad people and move on.

MB: This is probably not going to get a good review, but I’m going to say Adolf Hitler. It was obviously very sad and he had bad motives, but the way he was able to lead was second-to-none. How he rallied a group and a following, I want to know how he did that. Bad intentions of course, but you can’t deny he wasn’t a great leader.


Somehow Berger found a way to fuck it up. A little PR 101 for my probably former offensive coordinator, probably not a good idea to say you'd like to have dinner with Adolf Hitler. Hitler was responsible for a mass genocide and overall dark times in world history. And as I mentioned earlier, pretty much everyone is on the same page that he sucks. He also picked, John F. Kennedy as his second choice which is a pretty normal answer. Last pick was Christopher Columbus, who was also responsible for a genocide-esque killing of indigenous people during his exploration of the new world. I get where Morris was headed but I'd maybe pick someone a little safer like Marco Polo.

Based upon Berger's answers, I would say that he lacks some general judgement skills. He literally said "This is probably not going to get a good review...." but went on to say it anyway. Unreal. Not calling him dumb, just wondering about his thought process for selecting Adolf Hitler as a dinner guest. Initially the story led to a suspension just three days into his tenure. GVSU has announced the suspension will also be met with a formal investigation. In the mean time the story has been picked by Grand Rapids media and now national outlets like ESPN. Some tough scenes for Grand Valley football to start the year of 2020.

I want it on the record that myself and all of the 616 Sports team denounces Adolf Hitler, the practice of communism and any form of genocide.

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